Halloween is a fun night for kids and adults of all ages. This year looks like beautiful weather in the forecast, but before you head out for trick or treating, here are a few reminders from the American Academy Pediatrics and Rock Creek Pediatrics.
Help your child pick bright costumes that fit well to prevent tripping. Avoid masks that fit poorly and obstruct vision.
Add reflective tape to increase visibility to any costume or treat bag.
Purchase costumes and wigs that are flame resistant.
Homeowners should keep walk ways clear of debris and well lite and restrain pets in secure location away from small children.
Adults should supervise smaller children and accompany them at all times during trick or treating.
Older children who trick or treat on own should have a reviewed route and in group.
Never enter a home or car for treats.
Carry a flashlight and cell phone.
Eat a healthy meal prior to trick or treating to discourage candy overload or consider offering non food items such as coloring books or crayons.
Make sure an adults inspects all treats prior to consumption and discard any that are unwrapped or damaged.
Brush teeth well before bed.
To read more from the American Academy of Pediatrics see these helpful links below:
Toddler Tips for Fun Halloween: Toddler Tips
The Harm of Colored Contact Lenses : Decorative Contact Lenses Don'ts
Food Allergies and Halloween: What to know
Have a safe fun and not too spooky Halloween!